Behavioral Agreement

The Trans Wellness Center is a HATE-FREE ZONE, we care for the safety and well-being of all our clients and staff. By signing this contract, I agree to abide by the following rules for the safety and well-being of myself and others.

  1. Follow the Golden Rule: Treat others as you want to be treated. And respect the rights of others.
  2. Respect the TWC property and other people’s property, including other shared common spaces in the entire building.
  3. Safe Space: No weapons of any kind. No physical or verbal violence or abuse, or language that is transphobic, homophobic, or racist. No bullying.
  4. Keep voices to indoor volumes, no shouting.
  5. Substance-Free Space: TWC is alcohol, tobacco, and drug-free.
  6. Maintain confidentiality: What is said here, stays here.
  7. Ask for consent before touching anyone. No extreme PDA’s (Public Display of Affection).
  8. Use “I” statements, and practice the concept of “step up, step back” when you notice yourself talking more than others.
  9. Keep the volume of personal devices to a minimum, use headphones if listening to music. Please take personal calls in the hallway.

I acknowledge if I don’t follow the rules, I may be subject to suspension from the Trans Wellness Center. Every case will be subject to review by Program Manager.