Center South Behavioral Agreement

Center South is a HATE-FREE ZONE, we care for the safety and well-being of all our clients and staff. By signing this contract, I agree to abide by the following rules for the safety and well-being of myself and others.

  1. Follow the Golden Rule: Treat others as you want to be treated. And respect the rights of others.
  2. Respect Center South property and other people’s property, including other shared common spaces in the entire building. Ask before you take.
  3. Management will not accept responsibility for the loss or damage to any personal belongings left unattended on these premises.
  4. Safe Space: No weapons of any kind. No physical or verbal violence or abuse, or language that is transphobic, homophobic, or racist. No bullying.
  5. Keep voices to indoor volumes, no shouting.
  6. Substance-Free Space: Center South is alcohol, tobacco, and drug-free.
  7. Maintain confidentiality: What is said here, stays here.
  8. Use “I” statements, and practice the concept of “step up, step back” when you notice yourself talking more than others.
  9. Keep the volume of personal devices to a minimum, use headphones if listening to music. Please take personal calls in the hallway.
  10. Ask for consent before touching anyone. No extreme PDA’s (Public Display of Affection).
  11. Any touching without consent in an aggressive manner can lead to dismissal of services and/or programs.

I acknowledge if I don’t follow the rules, I may be subject to suspension from Center South. Every case will be subject to review by Management Team.



Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature when, a) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or volunteer or internship opportunity, b) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment, volunteer or internship decisions affecting such individual, or c) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

Sexual harassment includes:

  • Verbal harassment, such as epithets, derogatory comments or slurs.
  • Physical harassment, such as assault, impeding or blocking movement or any physical interference of another’s normal work of movement when directed at an individual.
  • Visual forms of harassment, such as displaying derogatory posters, cartoons or drawings that are offensive.
  • Requests for sexual favors or making unwanted sexual advances.

The Center has a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination of any kind by staff, supervisors, colleagues, clients, volunteers, interns, vendors, or contractors. Complaints are to be communicated to a supervisor, member of management, Volunteer Resources or Human Resources. Complaints will be followed by a fair, complete and timely investigation. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigatory process to the extent consistent with adequate investigation and appropriate corrective action if any wrongdoing is detected. There is no guarantee of complete confidentiality, but the Center will strive to maintain confidentiality on a business need-toknow basis during the investigation.

Retaliation against any individual for reporting harassment or discrimination or for participating in an investigation of a claim of harassment or discrimination is a serious violation of this policy, and like harassment or discrimination itself, will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Acts of retaliation should be reported immediately and will promptly be investigated and addressed.



In consideration of being permitted to participate in activities and events sponsored by the Los Angeles LGBT Center, I agree to the following:

  1. I agree to comply with all directions and policies of Center activities and events, the organizers, and the facility. I understand that Center activities and events are potentially hazardous, and that accidents during the activities or events could lead to serious injury, death and/or property damage, both to me and to others. Risks associated with the event may include, but are not limited to:
  • using public streets and facilities where hazards such as broken pavement and road debris may exist;
  • accidents arising out of transportation to and from Center activities and events, including but not limited to being struck by, or colliding with, other participants, spectators, automobiles, road and sand debris;
  • dehydration, heat stroke, over-exertion, exhaustion, cramps, soft tissue injuries and/or broken bones;
  • participating with individuals of all skill levels, including both experienced and novice participants;
  • negligence or carelessness of the Los Angeles LBGT Center, sponsors, employees, volunteers, participating groups, communities, members of the medical team, and owners/lessors of the property or facility owners (which may include state and local governmental entities), and;
  • negligence or carelessness in the implementation or enforcement of any rules, regulations or guidelines related to the event and/or in the selection, use or maintenance of any equipment, course, competition, facility or service related to the event.

I understand that the activity/event may expose me to risks other than those listed above and that the risks may not be reasonably foreseeable to me or to the Los Angeles LGBT Center. In consideration for being allowed to participate in the activity/event, I hereby assume all risks associated with the activity/event, even those risks which are not reasonably foreseeable at this time.

  1. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, I hereby fully discharge and forever release the Los Angeles LGBT Center, and all of its respective agents, partners, employees, representatives, shareholders, officers, directors, successors and assigns (collectively, the “Releasees”), of and from any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, actions or causes of action whatsoever, whether known or unknown, whether at law or in equity, which I or my heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns may now or hereafter have against any of the Releasees in connection with my participation in the activity/event, notwithstanding that such claim, damage, action or cause of action may have been contributed to by the negligent acts or admissions of any of the Releasees or otherwise while I am participating in the activity/event.

I hereby expressly waive and relinquish any and all rights, defenses and benefits I may have now or in the future under the provisions of California Civil Code section 1542, which provides as follows:


  1. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, I acknowledge that the Releasees will not be responsible for any injury, accident, or any other loss, damage or expense relating to or arising out of my attending the activity/event, including, without limitations, in respect of any medical care or treatment that Releasees, or any persons authorized by any of them, may administer to me in the event of an injury or illness during the event.
  2. I hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Releasees from all liabilities, claims, costs, expenses, damages, losses and obligations, of any kind or nature (whether in law or in equity), which may arise or result (either directly or indirectly) from my participation in the activity/event.
  3. I expressly agree that the foregoing release and waiver and assumption of the risk are intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by California law. I acknowledge that I have read the foregoing and that I am aware of the legal consequences of this agreement, including that it prevents me from suing the Los Angeles LGBT Center, or its employees, agents or officers if I am injured or damaged for any reason as a result of my participation in the activity/event.
  4. This agreement sets forth the complete agreement between the parties regarding the subject matter contained in the agreement.
  5. I acknowledge that this agreement, when completed, must be submitted to the designated Los Angeles LGBT Center Representative prior to my participating in the activity/event.

I acknowledge that I have read the Los Angeles LGBT Center’s policies on its ethical standards, alcohol and drug use, statement of confidentiality, relationships in the workplace, conflicts of interest and unlawful solicitation, sexual harassment policy, which are applicable to all employees and volunteers, as well as the release and waiver of liability. I accept and agree to adhere to all policies and guidelines aforementioned and understand that I have an opportunity to discuss any questions I may have with my manager, supervisor or with Human Resources.