TGI/Enby+ Community Postings
Invisible men & APLA Present: Alchemy
Trans Community, we have teamed up with APLA to bring you Alchemy! Let’s uncover your magic, let us chat about all the ways to maintain that magic in healthy and fun ways! You can join in-person or via Zoom every 4th Friday @ 3pm PDT In Person: 3741 La Brea Ave, Los Angeles, 90016 Zoom: Meeting ID: 953 6967 4630 / Passcode: Alchemy Accessibility: Metro Expo Line – LA Brea / Ethel Bradley Station 105 WeHo Bus Crenshaw Dash
Project Q Offerings: Services for QPOC Folx Under 30 Prioritized
To stay up to date, Follow Project Q on IG: @projectqla
Recovery Dharma: Queer Recovery Support Group AA through a harm reduction lens for Folks ages 30 and under Thursdays from 4-5:30pm AT Center – 1773 Griffith Park Blvd
ProjectQ Free Store Visit us during open hours: 9am-2pm Monday -Thursday! We have hygiene kits, groceries and other goods for our community. We prioritize LGBTQ+ folks ages 18-30. Schedule your visit!
RISE: Recognize, Intervene, Support, Empower
- RISE Care Team providing specialized case management support for LGBTQ+ youth 2-25 years old with a current DCFS case or referred to DCFS
- Caregiver support including: counseling, peer support groups, & more
Capacity Building
- Nationally recognized training and coaching program for providers working with LGBTQ+ youth & parents and caregivers of LGBTQ+ youth
- Train-the-trainer model program, distance learning, and technical assistance
San Gabriel Valley LGBTQ Center
These are just a few of the peer-led support groups that the SGV LGBTQ Center has to offer! Check out their website to see the complete list of offerings:
Chatty Crafties 7:00 – 9:00pm Monthly on the first Thursday Join us for Chatty Crafties the first Thursday of every month from 7pm-9pm. We’ll be crafting and chatting on Zoom! Bring in a craft and join the conversation. The meeting ID will be sent earlier that day to all those that wish to receive it via email. To be added to the list, please contact [email protected]
Disability Justice 7:00pm – 9:00pm Monthly on the second Wednesday Disability Justice is a safe space for discussing the intersection between being LGBTQIA+ and having a disability or learning difference and how we can grow and learn together. Meetings occur digitally from 7 pm-9 pm on the second Wednesday of the month beginning. For more information, contact Renee at [email protected].
Non-Binary Support Group 7:00 – 9:00pm Monthly on the fourth Tuesday The Non-Binary Peer Support Group strives to create a safe and brave space for all non-binary, gender non-conforming, and transgender folx. This group is designed for us to come together and support each other by sharing our experiences, emotions, and challenges. When you’re here with us, you can always be yourself! Meetings occur digitally on the 4th Tuesday of the month from 7 pm to 9 pm. The Non-Binary Peer Support Group is hosted by Gia James (they/them/theirs) and Kat (she/they). Contact [email protected] or [email protected]
QTPOCC (Queer and Trans People of Color Collective) 7:00pm – 9:00pm Monthly on the third Wednesday The QTPOCC is for queer and/or trans people of color to discuss the intersections of race and our LGBTQ+ identities. By acknowledging the world we live in through an open dialogue we welcome growth for our community and ourselves. Meetings occur on the third Wednesday of the month from 7pm to 9pm. QTPOCC is hosted by Camila (she/her/ella). Contact [email protected] for more information
TGI* Peer Support Group (Formerly Transgender PSG) 7:00 – 9:00pm Monthly on the first Monday A peer support group for the San Gabriel Valley LGBTQ Center’s TGI* community to form connections in the era of social distancing. An online model has allowed this group to become more accessible, in many ways. All gender diverse folks are welcome! Hosted the First Monday of every month. Peer support group is facilitated Camila Camaleón, a longtime community member of the San Gabriel Valley. **Trans, Gender Non-Conforming, and Intersex (TGI*) Contact [email protected] for more information
Unified Sibs and Allies 4:00pm – 6:00pm Monthly on the second Saturday Unified Sibs is a group for all supportive siblings/sibling figures of the LGBTQIA+ to come together in support of each other and their siblings. In addition to times of discussion and learning there will also be opportunities for creating/sharing crafts and events that involve the supported siblings joining their supporters. Unified Sibs is facilitated by Rene(e) (she/her/hers), who is both a supportIVE and supportED sibling. All sibs, allies, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community are welcome! For questions please email: [email protected] Link with more info:
JQ Virtual Support Groups
The JQ Helpline provides inclusive support and resources for LGBTQ+ Jews, their families, and allies. The JQ Helpline is the only resource and support line in the US dedicated to serving LGBTQ+ Jews and their allies. The free and confidential JQ Helpline provides customized support and inclusive resources over the phone, by email, and in person to those in need. Wherever you are, contact the JQ Helpline for trained and compassionate professionals who will help you find the resources and support you need. Contact us today by clicking below, emailing [email protected], or calling or texting 855.JQI.HLPS (855.574.4577).
Trans & Nonbinary Support Group
Wednesdays, Weekly: 6pm – 7pm PT on Zoom
Participation in this support group is not based on having a mental health diagnosis and is free to attend. RSVP is required. Open to ages 18+. We ask that only individuals who identify as transgender, nonbinary, or questioning their gender identity attend.
For more info:
Alliance for Housing and Healing
Transitional Housing Beds Available Alliance for Housing and Healing currently has openings in our HOPWA funded transitional housing program for single unaccompanied women, including transgender women. This is a 12-month transitional living program in which clients, in accordance with HOPWA regulations, will be required to pay 30% of their income towards their rent. Location: W.E.C.A.N. Transitional House is located in the City of Long Beach with double occupancy rooms and shared common areas. W.E.C.A.N. House provides three meals per day and laundry facilities on site. Eligibility Requirements:
- Must meet HOPWA eligibility criteria: HIV diagnosis
- Income that does not exceed 80% of HUD’s Area Median Income (AMI)
- Must be able to perform chores and meet curfew.
- Clients referred for these transitional housing beds will be required to work with an Alliance for Housing and Healing Housing Specialist in SPA 8 and be actively working on a housing plan.
Referrals must include the following supporting documentation: – Diagnosis Form – TB Test – Identification Card (ID) – Verification of Income from the last 90 days – Consent to Release Information signed by client. – Release of Case Management if they are currently working with a HOPWA provider. Referrals are accepted on a first-come-first served basis. To make a referral or for more information, please contact or Ada Aleman at (562)294-5500 x.200.
Helping FAITH Inc.
Helping Faith Housing project is a housing and support services program designed for BIPOC youth LGBTQIA+ identifying humans. They can connect you to partners that are trans-friendly and welcoming. They desire to S.A.S.H. You: See You, Appreciate You, Support You, and Hear You!
Helping FAITH Press Release: LA Nonprofit Launches Trans Youth Housing Campaign
Health Services for Asylum Seekers
HealthLink, also known as the Asylum Seeker Health Services Project, is underway and asylum seekers can now seek services in Los Angeles County. HealthLink is a collaborative project between the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services and Department of Public Health, and the California Department of Health Services. HealthLink can help Asylum Seekers get connected to a primary care provider and a healthcare home at the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services. Interested Asylum Seekers should call or text 213-298-9238.
Empowered Identity Voice Studio
Empowered Identity Voice Studio provides a collaborative, judgement-free space where anyone can build confidence and connect with themselves through singing. Created by Andi Dana (they/them), it exists mainly to serve gender non-conforming people who may feel that their speaking and/or singing voice is a source of dysphoria or insecurity. However, the studio is available to all who want to gain an understanding of their voice and use the practice of singing as personal growth.
If you’d like to know more about empowering your identity through singing, contact Andi for a free consultation and to learn more about voice sessions!
Sex Workers Outreach Project LA (SWOPLA)
Sex Workers Outreach Project – Los Angeles (SWOPLA) is a peer support organization run by and for sex workers. Our mission is, broadly, to pursue our human rights to bodily autonomy, racial and social justice, and mutual liberation through outreach, education, mutual aid and political advocacy. Sex workers are extremely vulnerable right now as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many of us relied on work that we can no longer do because of health and safety concerns, and many of us can no longer work under the new “Stay Home” orders. Many of the most marginalized and vulnerable people in our community rely on sex work for income. Many disabled people, trans people, people of color, and queer people rely on sex work for income, face serious barriers to accessing institutional help, and are now suffering greatly. We are trying to raise funds to directly aid sex workers impacted by COVID-19, and ask for you to help us however you can. Please, donate, share, and apply for assistance.
Link to Apply for Emergency Relief Funds
NBULA Beyond the Binary: Community Call
Every Wednesday!
The Non-Binary Union of LA (NBULA)
Hosts weekly Community Calls for non-binary, intersex, gender non-conforming and questioning folks to connect socially and build community. Discussion topics are shared in advance each week on the NBULA Instagram and Facebook @the_nbula, so you can ponder in advance if that’s your style! New friends join each week – you’ll never be the only newbie and there is no location requirement to join! When: Weekly on Wednesdays Time: 5:30pm PST Where: Zoom Meeting, sign up at the link below. Link:
Trans Defense Fund
Trans Defense Fund LA is a mutual aid group that was created in response to the disproportionate violence that trans women face. Trans Defense Fund LA provides trans individuals living in Los Angeles with safety kits consisting of stun guns, pepper gel, tactical flashlights, window breakers, and an informational pamphlet on how to use each item. Through donations, we have been able to supply 530 individuals with safety kits! We have hosted both in-person and virtual intro to self-defense classes and will continue to provide as many self-defense resources as we can this year.
LA County HIV: Ending the HIV Pandemic Emergency Financial Assistance

Transgender First Scholarship
Tell us your story and follow the simple process to apply. Amount: $2,500 (awarded annually) Payment is made directly to your accredited U.S. College or University.
Simple Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must:
- Identify as Transgender
- Plan to pursue a degree, or currently pursuing a degree, at an accredited U.S. post-secondary institution
- Have a high school diploma or GED
- Be a U.S. Citizen
Black Transmen Incorporated Top Surgery Scholarship
*Please Note: This is an external resource, and we do not know if they are inclusive of identities beyond Trans Men. Website’s materials say Trans Men, specifically)
The Trans Lifeline

Need to talk? The Trans Lifeline is a peer support hotline run by and for trans/GNC/Enby folx. They are available 7 AM – 1 AM PST / 9 AM – 3 AM CST / 10 AM – 4 AM EST. Volunteers may be available off hours. Call the Hotline at 877-565-8860.
The Trevor Project
The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning youth.

American Trans Resource Hub

Shower of Hope Safe Parking
For more info: [email protected] or text 424-343-7752
Being Alive LA Syringe Service Program

For more information:
National Center for Transgender Equality: Getting Your Health Care Covered

Even while the Trump administration attacks our health care access, it’s important to know what our rights are and what our options are. That’s why I’m pleased to announce the launch of the Health Coverage Guide, a new step-by-step resource designed to help get your insurance company to cover the care you need and that you have the right to access.
The Health Coverage Guide is an interactive tool for transgender people, our families, and caregivers seeking coverage for transition-related care, offering step-by-step instructions for learning what your plan covers and to get pre-authorizations for transition-related care. It’s designed especially for people with private insurance and Medicaid, and there are resources for those with Medicare too.
Too frequently, transgender people endure surprise medical bills and denials for basic treatments simply because of who we are. For far too long, we’ve waited for a resource to help patients get insurance companies to approve their health care—so we made one! According to our US Transgender Survey, one in four transgender people with insurance coverage reports experiencing mistreatment or unfair denials in the year prior to taking the survey. We’re on the front lines of trying to change this, and the Health Coverage Guide is one step in the right direction.
Check out the Health Coverage Guide now!
In Solidarity,

Mara Keisling, NCTE Executive Director

AT Center: AA for Trans Folx

Invisible Men

When it comes to your identity, the only person you have to answer to is YOU! It doesn’t matter what other people think as long as you learn to love who you see in the mirror. To that end, one of our Trans* Lounge members has asked that we share this great new t-shirt design. Please note that the majority of the proceeds from these shirts are going to Invisible Men, an organization here in LA dedicated to supporting transmen and non-binary transmasculine people of color. You can find out more about them at or to purchase one of these super cool t-shirts, click below!

Las Sirenas

We Exist

We Exist is a Los Angeles DMH-funded program dedicated to expanding access and improving services for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex & Two-Spirit transition-age youth and their families/caregivers. We Exist serves Culver City, the Antelope Valley, San Fernando Valley, West L.A. and South Bay / Harbor Cities.
These groups are a great, free resource for folks 16-25 as well as family members. All are welcome! These are separate, open groups that run back to back for 6-weeks and touch on a range of topics related to LGBTQ+ identities and experiences.
Feel free to post or forward this to anyone who might be interested or have clients who could benefit from this resource. This is a great opportunity for young LGBTQ+ folks and allies to make friends and take advantage of a $5 gift card for each group they attend. Family members will learn how to support queer and questioning youth in a way that feels meaningful to them.

LGBTQIA+ Sexual Assault Survivor’s Group

The Survivor’s Support Group is offered at no cost, and takes place on Tuesday afternoons at 14651 Oxnard St. Van Nuys.
Those interested can contact our Pride Lead Advocates at (818) 933-9487. For 24/7 support and referrals, folks can also call for crisis response line at (818) 886-0453
Queer Mindfulness

A Transitional Housing Program for Trans / GNC / Intersex Folks!

This is not an emergency housing option, unfortunately. This is a transitional housing option to allow trans community members to stabilize and move toward more permanent housing. This is a 6 MONTH program that will provide case management, assistance with saving funds, and provide a trans friendly living space for folks having difficulty finding trans friendly housing. The house is located in South Los Angeles.
Find the preliminary requirements above. Please share with your networks and contact Michaé Pulido at [email protected] or 213-201-3400 if you have any questions!

This is the first free QTPOC led by and for Non Binary/GNC/Questioning individuals in Los Angeles County.
Free Food, HIV/HEP C Testing Referrals, and free resources are provided at group as well.
The location of group is at The Wall Las Memorias Project DTLA office.
800 W 6th St. Los Angeles, CA 90014
Contact Adam Reyes [email protected] or Victor “Vicky” Gutierrez (He/She/They) [email protected] if you have any comments, questions, or concerns. They can also can assist with parking as well. Street Parking, Uber or Lyft ride and public transportation is highly recommended.
Public Transportation: Metro 7th & Figueroa & Metro 7th & Flower (The Bloc) Stations nearby.

If you have an event or announcement you would like to share with our community, please send promotional materials and details to Trans* Lounge at: [email protected]